Branża centrów danych prężnie się rozwija i cały czas wdraża zaawansowane technologie ponieważ wymagania w zakresie przetwarzania i pamięci masowej rosną z każdym dniem. Rynek centrów danych w Europie ulega znacznym przekształceniom. Cały czas rośnie zapotrzebowanie na rozwiązania typu Cloud Computing, a firmy coraz częściej szukają bezpiecznego miejsca, w którym mogą umieścić swoje urządzenia i bezprzerwowo prowadzić biznes. Ponieważ nowe technologie zalewają rynki, bardzo często trudno jest w gąszczu dostępnych rozwiązań odszukać te, które odpowiadają zdefiniowanym potrzebom.

Aby pomóc firmom w wyborze odpowiednich rozwiązań i usług w zakresie centrów danych, zespół CIO Applications Europe zweryfikował i wybrał najlepsze rozwiązania i usługi wśród dostawców, którzy zapewniają rozwiązania na najwyższym poziomie. Firmy te znalazły się w zestawieniu Top 10 Data Center Consulting /Services Companies in Europe – 2020.

Wśród 10 wyróżnionych firm znalazł się też TALEX, który oferuje usługi Data Center w certyfikowanych zgodnie z EN 50600 ośrodkach w Poznaniu i we Wrocławiu. Usługi TALEX w zakresie integracji IT, wsparcia użytkowników, wsparcia systemów informatycznych oraz rozwoju oprogramowania znakomicie uzupełniają podstawowy zakres typowych usług DC.

W artykule Providing Holistic Data Center Services ukazane zostały multidyscyplinarne kompetencje TALEX, które pozwalają na realizację zaawansowanych usług utrzymania zarówno infrastruktury technicznej, czy chmury obliczeniowej, jak i kompleksowe utrzymanie środowiska informatycznego każdego przedsiębiorstwa. Zdaniem specjalistów CIO Applications Europe to holistyczne podejście do klienta zasługuje na szczególna uwagę.

Przedruk artykułu o TALEX z lipcowego Magazynu CIO Applications Europe::

Providing Holistic Data Center Services

Today, cloud centers have become a hot topic for large businesses and medium and small corporations as well. The rapid growth of cloud computing is heating the competition for new and used facilities to enable organizations to provide better services to their partners and customers. Helping companies align with this trend or, rather, an imperative need, is Poland-based Talex SA. We offer comprehensive outsourced IT services derived from the highest qualifications of our engineers and secure infrastructure of our data center, carrying out integration projects which require knowledge and skills in the fields of system integration and, more generally, information technology,” asserts Janusz Gocałek, President, Talex. With over 30 years of presence in the IT market as an integrator of modern information systems, the company develops and deploys several applications to facilitate and optimize business systems. To maintain the highest quality of their services, Talex implemented a quality management system according to the ISO 9001:2008 standard and an information security management system according to the ISO 27001:2013 standard. The company not only provides data center infrastructure to its clients but also offers broad support in other areas of IT. Talex’s IT integration, user support, IT systems support, and software development services are directed towards providing data center services. This includes advanced services of infrastructure maintenance or cloud computing services, including comprehensive maintenance of each enterprise’s IT environment.

Today, organizations that approach data center services providers face a fair number of challenges, from logistics to complex technological issues to security problems. When it comes to data center projects, Talex uniquely supports its clients as their data center has been designed with the most demanding clients in mind. In the case of relocating hardware from another site, the company provides their team of engineers and technicians who can safely and securely move the sophisticated equipment between sites. When solving dilemmas related to the choice of the most appropriate technology to support business processes, Talex is fully capable of designing and deploying the network, server, and storage solutions. To the clients who need flexible solutions, the company offers cloud computing services, which are also available in their data center. We can also offer processing security, which is a very important topic today. This role in our company is fulfilled by the security operation center department, whose task is to provide safe and secure operation of all our data center systems,” says Gocałek.

Since Talex grew up in a partnership with the financial sector, they are accustomed to meeting highly demanding requirements in matters of both technology and security. They make good use of this experience by developing their cooperation with clients from the automotive, telecommunication, e-commerce, and other sectors. The company provides state-of-the-art services in the area of maintaining IT infrastructure operational continuity. They offer the TalexCloud platform to its clients, where they can carry out their data processing using the available computing power. The platform consists of dedicated virtual servers, maintained by the company’s specialists. However, cloud computing at the Talex data center is not limited to simple IaaS services. They have successfully deployed several large hardware platforms, entirely dedicated to meet the needs of individual clients. This approach allows Talex to develop and deploy solutions that ensure high availability and security and enable the implementation of IT environments ready to meet the non-standard needs of its customers.

To further illustrate Talex’s efficacy, Gocałek highlights a case study about a client from the financial sector. Talex has dedicated data center space at two independent sites for the main center and the back-up center. Having many years of experience and collaboration with the client, the company developed a solution that allowed both these centers to be run in the Talex data center. The main center was located in Wroclaw, the back-up in Poznan. The project involved making available the highest class data center space and delivering a wide spectrum of support services, starting from advanced support for IT equipment. Talex was also responsible for performing the migration of IT resources to both centers. It was not simply a challenge that our data center engineers took up but also a complex logistical assignment successfully completed by our IT staff,” says Gocałek.

Additionally, Talex data center is the first in Poland and third in Europe to receive the top class certificates of compliance with the EN50600 standard, developed by the European Committee for Electro-technical Standardization (CENELEC), adopted by the European Commission, then finally ratified and implemented by the EU member countries.

Looking ahead in the future, Talex keeps a close eye on the current science, cherishes a healthy connection with the Poznan University of Technology, maintains an R&D team, and follows the latest scientific innovations properly.We look ahead into the future, to always be ready to provide services for the most demanding clients. We employ solutions which anticipate the rigorous demands associated with operational continuity and security, concludes Gocałek.

Providing Holistic Data Center Services