Current Report No. 7/2022: Reception of further orders under the agreement
Short name of the issuer: TALEX
Date of preparation: 2022-06-03
Subject: Reception of further orders under the agreement
Legal basis: Art. 17 (1) of the proposed MAR – confidential and periodical information
The content of the report:
The Management Board of Talex S.A. informs that in the period of 12 months preceding the publication of this report, the Company obtained a number of further orders from business partners of Panasonic Communication Solutions from Eastern Europe, under the performance of the agreement concluded with Panasonic Connect Europe GmBH. The total net value of the received orders amounts to PLN 5.35 million. The subject of the orders was the delivery of IT solutions.
TALEX SA declares that corporate documents and financial reports are published in English for information purposes only. TALEX SA is not liable for the accuracy of the translation of the original documents in Polish. The original versions of that documents are available at the management board office in Poznań, Karpia Street 27d.
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